Thursday, October 26, 2006

WHAT'S NEW? October 26th updates:

Welcome to Green River Community College ADDA club news!
Upcomming events:

ADOPT A ROAD ...........Friday November 3rd and Monday November 13th we've had great response and sign up sheets are filling up! Thank you for making the time to give back to the community!

ASE/ACT TESTING.................................November 9th, 14th & 16th @ 6pm. we still need volenteers to help with the 3 nights of testing; you don't have to commit to a certain job; just sign up for as many nights as you are able, and we'll put you to good use! Remember; this is a major fund-raiser, and not only keeps this club us "dues free" , but funds charitable events. Sign up sheet SMT-350.

FOOD DRIVE BEGINS...........................Barrels for canned and boxed food donation barrels should be in place November 9th; Bring food; tell a friend and let us know how you think we could increase school- wide participation in this most worthy charitable event. Make Thanksgiving mean more this year... Melinda Rose- chair will be reporting at this Thursday's noon meeting.

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