Monday, October 23, 2006

Minutes for Thursday, October 12, 2006

MinutesFor Thursday, October 12, 2006Call to Order.Officers Reports Given.Patrick: Spoke about ADDA poster contest. Information available at about design drafting contest and many categories. We will post deadline dates on calendar as they arrive.

ChairsASE Testing. Sign up sheet posted. Testing procedure explained. Some volunteers have signed up. More still needed. Need to find out if students who wish to volunteer can leave DT141 class to participate.

Adopt a Road. Chair will be Tammy who has experience with this. She will call to find about when we can get the supplies. Dates should be set by next week. Sign up sheet will be posted as soon as dates are know. Volunteers were asked what day would work best for them, and Friday was decided upon as the preferred day.

Field Trip. Laura will Chair. Sign-up will be posted later in the quarter. Field trip will be on Study Day at the end of the quarter. Past field trips were described. Those wishing to attend will vote on the places they would prefer to go at a coming meeting.Speakers. There will be one speaker at the Lunch. It has not been decided if there will be additional speakers during the quarter. Still need a Chair for speakers.

Lunch. The last meeting of the quarter will be the lunch. There will be a speaker, but since there is no chair yet for speakers, we may end up with a representative from AeroTec who will most likely speak for 15 minutes. Kathie has taken the chair position for the lunch.Food Drive. Melinda will chair the food drive. She has prior experience. Laura, Barry, Shiela, and Kathie have volunteered to help.

Giving From the Heart. Tammy and Monika will chair giving from the heart. It is still to be determined how many families the club will sponsor with the budget available.

Other BusinessSome members would like a copy of the agenda before the meeting. A copy of the next meeting’s agenda will be available for each member who wishes to have one.

Website review. Need to look into current presence on the club online. Is the current website up to date? Do we want to start a blog? Can we do that? Options will be available in the next meeting. Kathie as Reporter will update which ever of the options that the club decides upon.

Meeting Adjourned.

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