Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ho, Ho, Ho! Santa's been busy, and it's a Wrap!

On Friday December 8th, we wrapped-up our goddies for our"Giving from the Heart" adopted family.


(starting from left: Pedro, Kathy, Kim, Laura, and Tammy)

Spectacular job shopping for our family of five! We hope our adopted family has half the fun opening, as we did wrapping it up!


Please Join us for the December 19th "Christmas Basket" event in cooperation with the Auburn food bank and we wrap up gift and food baskets for local families in need this Christmas Season!

Call 253-833-8925, or e-mail Melinda at :

for time and address. Have a great class break, and we hope to see you there.

Monday, December 11, 2006

ADDA Filed Trip, to Unility Vault in Auburn, WA

Thank you to organizers and staff of "The Utility Vault" in Auburn for a great field triplast week! Thanks to Kim Jones for great pictures, and we'll see you all next year...

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Luncheon & Speaker Fall 2006

CHI-HUA-HUA: a small dog with a disproportionately large head...
OR...the great

(starting from the left: Barry, Sheila, Tammy, and Rich)

(starting from the left: Rich, Lisa, Jerry, Sheila, and Barry)

restaurant in Auburn who catered our Fall Quarter luncheon on December 7th! Thanks to all who joined us, it's been a great quarter for ADDA!

A special thank-you to our guest speaker Tom Weisweaver! Thank you for sharing your insights into the future of Facilities, Maintenance and Autocad.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

ADDA Supports HPPV Competition Team...

(from the left: Noel, Tammy, Ron, and Laura)

Green River Community College's ADDA chapter is proud to support the 2007 HPPV Design Drafting Competition team. The team will be meeting durring Winter break, and welcomes ADDA members participation!





Thursday, November 16, 2006

Minutes For Nov. 16th, 2006

Minutes For Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Call to Order.

Officers Reports:

President – Thank you to those who participated in the Adopt-A-Road. Announced that tonight was the last night for ASE testing.

V.P. – Call for the names of people who have not received a certificate from ADDA in the mail. Please give your names to Marianne Lee or Felix.

Treasurer – Nothing to Report.Secretary – Announced that Secretary will be making up some help sheets for future officers and chairs, and that we would like to get a few words from each person in a position this quarter on their job.

Reporter – Photo of first adopt a road showed at the end of the meeting.

Chair Reports:

HPPV- Show of designs to date.

Field Trip – The field trip is still on to Utility Vault.

Food Drive – Building on the success and planning that was used this quarter for the food drive, should we hold a food drive each quarter? Decision was made to hold a vote next quarter as to weather or no we will have one. Also, those interested can help out with the Christmas baskets at the Auburn Food Bank. This will happen after the quarter is over, so at this time we are only looking to see if there is an interest. There are 6 people who are interested in helping with the food baskets. When more details are available, we will continue this topic.

Giving From the Heart – no new information.

Anything New? – no.

Meeting Adjourned.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Minutes for Nov. 9th, 2006

MinutesFor Thursday, November 9th, 2006

Call to Order.

Officers Reports:

President – Reminder that Second adopt a Road is on Monday.

Treasurer – Jackets and Shirts have been paid for. Current balance is $2155.52 in that account.

Secretary – Nothing ReportedReporter – Photo of first adopt a road showed at the end of the meeting.

Chair Reports:

Lunch – Lunch will be catered from Chihuahua’s . Won by vote over BBQ.

Field Trip – HDR introduced as an option. Vote taken between all choices, tied between HDR and Utility Vault. Second vote tied between Utility Vault and HDR. Third vote taken, Utility Vault won 12 to 6.

Adopt a Road – There will be no advisors on the Monday date. Food Drive – Barrels arrived and decoration will take place right after this meeting. Poster are ready to hand. Need a few volunteers to help hand out leaflets on Monday for half an hour. HPPV- Group has some new members. There is a suggestion box posted on the back wall. There is also a suggestion folder for files on the technology drive.

ASE Testing – The first night is tonight. We could use a few more people to come down and give the room supervisors a break.

Meeting Adjourned.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Minutes for Noverber 2nd, 2006

MinutesFor Thursday, November 2, 2006

Call to Order.

Officers Reports:

President – announcement that there will be a scholarship banquet next week. Don’t forget that the first adopt-a-road is tomorrow. It may rain. Participants will meet anyway and decide what to do about the rain at the time. There will be a dry run of the ASE testing on Wednesday Nov. 8th at noon with Felix.V.P. – If you need a club shirt, please see Felix.

Treasurer – Nothing to report.

Secretary – Minutes for the meeting are being posted in the break room and on the blog.

Reporter – The club cannot place an ad in the Current for the Food Drive because there will be no new issue of the current that comes out before the food drive ends.

Chair Reports:

Lunch – Vote taken on Potluck vs. Catered. Catered wins by 3 votes. Next meeting the club will vote on who will cater the lunch.Field Trip – Kenworth only can accommodate tours in the afternoon or on Saturdays. The other option is Utility Vault. Another possibility is Concrete Tech. In Renton, they still need to be contacted to see if this is possible. If there are no other ideas by next week the club will vote on one of those two options.

Adopt a Road – It may rain tomorrow, so bring a rain jacket for the road clean-up. Some items should not be picked up such as needles or anything hazardous. If such items are found King County will be contacted to pick them up. Please meet tomorrow here 10 minutes before noon.

Food Drive – Barrels will arrive on Nov 8th between 10am and noon. Barry, Duane, Terry and Terry have volunteered to help move them upstairs from the loading dock in this building. Signs are being provided by Ron as a donation to the club. Other signage is in the works for the barrels. Someone will wear a sandwich board and walk around the campus informing people about the food drive. Positions will last 30 minutes and be at the time most convenient for the participant. We do not know yet if the Food for Parking Fines idea will go through.

Giving From the Heart – We have a family of three that we will be adopting this year. Gift wrapping part will be scheduled when we are closer to the date and know the day that we will be shopping.

Meeting Adjourned.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Minutes for October 26th, 2006

MinutesFor Thursday, October 26, 2006Call to Order.

Officers Reports:
Advisor- Announced Advising Day. Will be on Nov 1st. starting at 9am. Please come as many classes are only once a year and without a minimum number of students they may be cancelled. Let instructors know on Advising Day if you plan to take any of these classes.

President – Call for volunteers for HPPV. Announced meeting of HPPV group after today’s ADDA meeting. Reminder that ASE testing is coming up soon and we could still use a few more people.

Treasurer – Current Funds listed on board. Names of expenses that we will need to pay also listed. If you want to give to the Foundation contact Patty Saint in Student Services psaint@greenriver.eduSecretary – December calendar posted.

Reporter – Presented Blog. Web Address is http://green-river-adda.blogspot.comChair

Reports:Lunch – Tom Weisweaver will be the speaker for the lunch which will be on Dec 7th. Still not decided if it is catered or potluck.

Field Trip – We are still looking for ideas. Please see Laura if you have any ideas. Current possibilities are Kenworth and Utility Vault.

Adopt a Road – We have eleven volunteers for the first date and nine for the second date. If anyone wants to sign up there is still plenty of space.Food Drive – Barrels will arrive on Nov 8th.

The Food Drive will run for one week from the 13th of Nov to the 17th. Barrels need to be decorated. Discussion of using oversize printer for signs, or using print shop to make signs for outdoors. Idea brought up for having a Food Drive in the spring because this is the time of the year that the food bank runs low on food.

Camera – Announcement that we can borrow the camera from the Math department. Motion was brought to vote on purchasing a camera in next meeting.Giving From the Heart – We have a family of three that we will be adopting this year. Ideas for looking for donation of a meal for the family to go with gifts.

Meeting Adjourned.

WHAT'S NEW? October 26th updates:

Welcome to Green River Community College ADDA club news!
Upcomming events:

ADOPT A ROAD ...........Friday November 3rd and Monday November 13th we've had great response and sign up sheets are filling up! Thank you for making the time to give back to the community!

ASE/ACT TESTING.................................November 9th, 14th & 16th @ 6pm. we still need volenteers to help with the 3 nights of testing; you don't have to commit to a certain job; just sign up for as many nights as you are able, and we'll put you to good use! Remember; this is a major fund-raiser, and not only keeps this club us "dues free" , but funds charitable events. Sign up sheet SMT-350.

FOOD DRIVE BEGINS...........................Barrels for canned and boxed food donation barrels should be in place November 9th; Bring food; tell a friend and let us know how you think we could increase school- wide participation in this most worthy charitable event. Make Thanksgiving mean more this year... Melinda Rose- chair will be reporting at this Thursday's noon meeting.

Monday, October 23, 2006

For Kathy

This first post is dedicated to Kathy M. the creator of ADDA Green River Chapter BLOGGER. Kathy M. graduated in 2008 AAS Degree in Design Drafting Technology, AAS Degree in Construction Design, National Foundation Scholar, and graduating with highest of honors.

About a year before her graduation Kathy was the Report; a club office position in the American Design Drafting Association. The duty of this position is to report during the meetings upcoming and highlights of recent activities and events which the club participates in.

The position also involves writing an articles to the campus newspaper and radio station. One day she realized that the Blogger is a great tool for reporting to the community and beyond in whats happening in the organization.

Unfortunately this is not the original blog; after her term a new officer goes in some have changed the password or email, eventually they either lost, forgot, and/or could not login to the site.This is forth blogger for the ADDA Chapter and it has posts from past blogs. As the former report from Spring Quarter 2008 I will make sure that this blog will be accessible to future reports and update for visitors.

Minutes for October 19th, 2006

MinutesFor Thursday, October 19, 2006

Call to Order.

Officers Reports:
Treasurer – Funds available for Giving from the Heart are just over 500 dollars.
Secretary – Sign up sheet for HPPV passed around with sign in sheet. Sheet will be posted after the meeting so that anyone else with interest can sign up.
Reporter – We will talk about getting a digital camera for the club.Current Business:

Giving from the Heart.
Discussion of how funding works. Money comes from ASE testing revenue and is deposited in the foundation fund. That money is then available for charitable causes, one of those being Giving from the Heart. Currently there is enough money in the fund to participate in GFH this year. This fall’s revenue from ASE testing will go into the foundation fund, and will be available for charitable causes in 2007. It has been established that anyone wishing to donate to this fund (the foundation fund) may do so at any time, however the money will not necessarily be spent on the Giving from the Heart program.By vote the club has decided to sponsor one family with 4 to 5 members.

Discussion of the details involved in combining both stretches of road into one day, and doing it on two days. A vote was taken to see what members would prefer. Vote was tied at 6 to 6. Because some members may not be able to participate on the day chosen for two hours, a second day was chosen. Adopt-A-Road times will be 12-1pm on Nov. 3rd and 12-1pm on Nov 13th. Felix will not be able to attend.

President announced activities that are sponsored by student programs. One being the pumpkin carving contest and the other being the Halloween party. No member interest in organizing any ADDA Halloween event.

Lunch Speaker
Kathie will find a speaker for the lunch. The lunch will be on Dec. 7th.

Idea put forward for aquiring digital camera. The club will look for a donated camera. Kim will chair this activity.

Field Trip
Sign up sheet for field trip will be posted soon. Anyone with ideas please come forward at the next meeting. Kenworth and the Museum of Flight were put forward as ideas. A vote will be taken next meeting if we have any more ideas.

Meeting Adjourned.

Minutes for Thursday, October 12, 2006

MinutesFor Thursday, October 12, 2006Call to Order.Officers Reports Given.Patrick: Spoke about ADDA poster contest. Information available at http://www.adda.com/.Spoke about design drafting contest and many categories. We will post deadline dates on calendar as they arrive.

ChairsASE Testing. Sign up sheet posted. Testing procedure explained. Some volunteers have signed up. More still needed. Need to find out if students who wish to volunteer can leave DT141 class to participate.

Adopt a Road. Chair will be Tammy who has experience with this. She will call to find about when we can get the supplies. Dates should be set by next week. Sign up sheet will be posted as soon as dates are know. Volunteers were asked what day would work best for them, and Friday was decided upon as the preferred day.

Field Trip. Laura will Chair. Sign-up will be posted later in the quarter. Field trip will be on Study Day at the end of the quarter. Past field trips were described. Those wishing to attend will vote on the places they would prefer to go at a coming meeting.Speakers. There will be one speaker at the Lunch. It has not been decided if there will be additional speakers during the quarter. Still need a Chair for speakers.

Lunch. The last meeting of the quarter will be the lunch. There will be a speaker, but since there is no chair yet for speakers, we may end up with a representative from AeroTec who will most likely speak for 15 minutes. Kathie has taken the chair position for the lunch.Food Drive. Melinda will chair the food drive. She has prior experience. Laura, Barry, Shiela, and Kathie have volunteered to help.

Giving From the Heart. Tammy and Monika will chair giving from the heart. It is still to be determined how many families the club will sponsor with the budget available.

Other BusinessSome members would like a copy of the agenda before the meeting. A copy of the next meeting’s agenda will be available for each member who wishes to have one.

Website review. Need to look into current presence on the club online. Is the current website up to date? Do we want to start a blog? Can we do that? Options will be available in the next meeting. Kathie as Reporter will update which ever of the options that the club decides upon.

Meeting Adjourned.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Thanks for logging in!We hope this will be an easy way to keep in touch and post activities, opportunities and scheduled events. Let us know how were doing, and please join us on Thursdays at noon in SMT-350 for our weekly meetings.

We have currently have several events in the planning stages, including a food drive, Giving from the Heart, and HPPV team forming...

scheduled UPCOMMING EVENTS:Adopt a Road -November 3rd @ noon; sign up now to participate in the first of 2 clean -ups geared to Promote Green River Design Drafting Club, and give back to the community. Sign up sheet posted in SMT-350; join us!