Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hello All- Thanks to our tireless, intrepid, enthusisastic, and altogether funny guy, Tim Ritchey, I have for our fellow ADDA'ers the following officer's meeting minutes and last week's club meeting minutes, and what's up for this week's agenda.

Call to order (12:13PMJeremy)
Officer Reports:
President: Jeremy Tatum - (See below)
Vice President: Gabriel Sosienski: - Nothing to report.
Secretary: Tim Ritchey - Nothing to report.
Treasure: Becca – Nothing to report (Lost her voice- REALY!).
Reporter: Chris - Blog has been updated with new information.

Committee Chair Reports:
1. Adopt-a-Road – JustinWalker: Kits are available and we need to set dates for event.
2. Food Bank – Chris Flanagan-Linderman: Chris will contact Cayla at the Auburn Food Bank to set up a date in November.
3. Giving from the heart : – (See below in Business)
4. Field Trip- Nothing to report (Julie was out sick).
5. Luncheon Chair to be elected.
· Gabriel explained our choices and magazine options. Samples were passed out for preview and considered for vote later in the meeting.
It was voted on and decided to spend $84 on all listed magazines from agenda dated 10/22/09.
· Chris did a presentation on how to access the blog using his easy to follow instructions.
· Paul was elected to chair the luncheon and urged everyone to sign up for open slots on the sign up sheet.
· Giving from the Heart: It was suggested voted on and approved to spend no more the $800 for two families of four (or $80 per child) for gifts and all how voted should contribute time to shopping or wrapping gifts for this cause.
· ASE Testing (Nov. 5th, 10th, and 12th Set up at 5:30PM)Felix will hand out ASE Supervisor's Manuals to persons signed up to help.

Reminders: Turn in Leadership folders and reminder to Sign-in sheet at back of roomMeeting adjourn: 12:49 PM

Officer Reports:
President: Jeremy Tatum
Vice President: Gabriel Sosienski: Magazine update.
Secretary: Tim Ritchey
Treasure: Becca
$2429.84 – Foundation Account
$860.50 – General Fund Account
Reporter: Chris Flanagan-Linderman

Reports and Announcements:
Interclub council meeting report - Jeremy and Gabriel
Advising is November 3rd – Felix: Reminder
Also if you are at 70% or more competition of your program or degree, you should apply for graduation to confirm that you have all of the necessary requirements for your certificate or degree.
House Keeping note: The Refrigerator will be cleaned out on Friday. Anything growing GREEN FUR will have to go.

Reports from all heads of Committee chairs
ASE: Felix
Adopt-a-Road: Justin
Field Trip: Julie
Luncheon: Paul
Food Bank: Chris
Giving From the Heart: Gabriel
HPPV: We need four or five people to commit to a team.
Other Business

Business: 30 Second introductions all around
Let's network! After all we are all on the same team!
1. Name / Quarter? Example “Tim Ritchey and I'm in my 4th quarter”
2. Degree / Certification? Example “Design Drafting AA”
3. Background? Example “Kitchen and Bath designer/ Builder (Displaced)”
4. What brought you here to GRCC? Example “The award winning Drafting Program!” I'm sure there is an award around here SOMEWHERE!

Thank you!

Chris Flanagan-Linderman

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Welcome back to another quarterly race to the finish line! Hello, my name is Chris Flanagan-Linderman (you can just call me Chris) and I’m the ADDA reporter for this Fall Quarter at GRCC. First off I wanted to get you up to speed as to who is serving the greater GRCC ADDA collective this quarter.

Jeremy Tatum – President
Gabriel Sosienski – Vice President
Tim Ritchey – Secretary
Becca – Treasurer
Chris Flanagan-Linderman – Reporter

Please know that we are here to serve you in any way possible, including answering association/school/program specific questions. I can assure you that if we don’t have the answers or at least a silly one-liner to cover up our lack thereof, than we can direct you to someone who can!

This week’s upcoming chapter meeting will focus on electing committee chairpersons for the following activities: HPPV (Human Powered Paper Vehicle), Association Luncheon (catered or potluck), Guest Speaker headhunter, ASE (There is no committee chairperson position needed, just some committed volunteers!), Giving From the Heart (We have found more money in our accounts which makes this a viable and feel-good activity for the club.) Please come prepared to volunteer for any and all of these worthy activities. We need everyone’s energy, enthusiasm and support. To date, the committee chairpersons that we do have are:

Justine Walker – Adopt-a-Road
Julie Axelberg – Field Trip
Chris Flanagan-Linderman - Food Bank (indicated as “Food Drive” on the sign-up sheet)

This is all I have to report at this time. Please check back in next week as I will have information posted detailing times and dates for many of these upcoming activities.