Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Back (Fall 2008)

New Class "Autodesk Revit"

A new exciting class is offed this fall its called "Revit". Revit is from 1:00 to 4:00pm Tuesdays and Thursday in SMT 350, instructor Felix S.

What is Revit? Autodesk Revit an AEC BIM software for Microsoft Windows, currently developed by Autodesk, which allows the user to design with parametric modeling and drafting elements. BIM is a new Computer Aided Design (CAD) paradigm that allows for intelligent, 3D and parametric object-based design. In this way, Revit provides full bi-directional associativity. A change anywhere is a change everywhere, instantly, with no user interaction to manually update any view. A BIM model contains the building's full life cycle, from concept to construction to decommissioning. This is made possible by Revit's underlying relational database architecture which its creators call the parametric change engine.

Autodesk 2009

This year there new & big changes in Autodesk 2009 version. If you what to veiw how it looked before here is 3 steps to fix it.

1. Go to the top left corner and click on the "A"

2. Scroll down to "Tools" and click "workspaces".

3. Select (click) AutoCAD Classic.

Update on Campus

1. New lighting

2. New Maps and Signs

3. More ADA Parking

4. PE & IVD Under Construction until later October 08

5. Art over Tech Center pond "Rain Scale"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008 Minutes

Call to order @12:02 (Mark).

Officer Reports:
-Treasurer (Cecilia) reported $2,261 raised during ASE testing, and a total of $1,454 in club acct.

Chair Reports:
-Luncheon (Barry) reminded club that more commitments for food are needed for Luncheon, and that we will be barbecuing.

-President (Mark) thanked everyone who helped with ASE testing.

Guest Speakers:
-Mandy, Connie and Trisha from Primerica Financial gave a presentation on finicial advising.
-Evan Boulanger, a designer for Patriot Fire Protection gave a presentation about his company, and what he does for them.

Meeting Adjourned @ 1:00 (Mark).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

ASE Testing - May , 08

May 15, 2008 Agenda

1. President’s call to order

2. Officer reports;
Senate Representative - Tammi or James
Reporter - Pedro
Secretary - Justin
Treasurer - Cecilia
Vice President - Marcel
President - Mark

3. Chair reports;
Luncheon - Barry
Speakers - Lisa S.
Scholarships - Ryan P.
Kathy - PICC

4. Blog

5. Reminders (all events count toward leadership points):
-ASE TESTING TODAY @5:30 SMT main foyer (2nd floor).
-Potluck June 5th. Please sign up (on window) to bring something.
-Guest speakers are scheduled for the next three meetings.

6. Old business?

7. New business?

8. Questions?

9. Adjourn

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 8, 2008 Minutes

Call to order @12:05 (Mark).

Officer Reports:
-PICC Chair (Kathy) reported $447.71 raised at event, and motioned that club donate an additional $302.29 to bring total up to $750. Motion was seconded (Justin) and passed.

Chair Reports:
-Speaker chair (Lisa S.) reported that she had arranged speakers for June 22nd and 29th.
-Luncheon chair (Barry) reminded club to sign up to bring food.

Felx reminded club to sign up for this quarter’s field trip by the end of the day to Genie Co., and gave a brief description of what they do.

Lisa S. shared that Terry Schultz is persuing the mini-conference proposal with our survey info.

-President (Mark) reminded club about ASE Testing and the need for campus tour guides.

Felix and the HPPV team showed a video from the competition showing other entries.

Meeting Adjourned @ 12:28 (Mark).

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pediatric Interim Care Center (PICC)

Today at Noon to 2:00pm

See you there!

May 1, 2008 Minutes

Call to order @12:02 (Mark).

Officer Reports:
-Treasurer (Cecilia) reported $2470 in club accounts.

(No Chair Reports)

-President (Mark) reminded members about ASE Testing, Club Fair, PICC event, need for campus tour guides and Prof/Tech Open House volunteers.

Meeting Adjourned @ 12:08 (Mark).

Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 24, 2008 Minutes

Call to order @12:02 (Mark).

Officer Reports:
-Treasurer (Cecilia) reported c.$2000 in general fund.

Chair Reports:
-Luncheon Chair (Barry) reported a need for club vote for potluck vs. catered luncheon. Votes were taken. Club majority voted for potluck.

-Speaker Chair (Lisa S.) reported she is trying for Kay Gates as speaker, and gave summary of a typical mini-conference. Felix encouraged completion of mini-conf. survey today.

-PICC Chair (Kathy) reported a need for volunteers on Thurs. for set-up and to pass out flyers.

Club members completed mini-conference survey

President (Mark) reminded members about Advising Day, ASE Testing, Club Fair, and inter-club meeting.

Felix gave overview of duties of ASE volunteers, and summary of testing nights.

Kathy expressed that she needed e-mail addresses for new members.

Old Business:
-Vic inquired about donation check for Children’s Hospital from last quarter. Donation had not been completed. Vic motioned to expedite donation check for $350. Cindy seconded. Motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned @ 12:34 (Mark).

Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17, 2008 Minutes

Call to order @12:07 (Mark).

Treasurer (Cecilia) gave report; $-633 in Foundation acct., $2820 in fundraising acct.

Felix talked about field trip to Genie on study day.

Club held chair elections. Results:
Luncheon (June 5th) - Barry
Speakers - Lisa S.
Drafting Scholarships - Ryan P.
(Kathy is chairing PICC)

Vic encouraged participation in Phi Theta Kappa road clean up event on May 17th at 10:00.

Terry reminded club about Advising Day, April 30th

HPPV team gave highlights presentation from competition (winners).

Lisa S. gave an update on mini-conference survey.

Mark encouraged participation for ASE testing.

Adjourned @ 12:35.

HPPV 2008 Highlights

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Drafting Students Take First in HPPV Competition – Sat, April 12, 08

(starting from the left: Ryan Pham; Tim Wiech; William Gamm; Pedro Anton II; and Barry Uhde)

AUBURN, Wash) – Each year since 1997, Eastern Washington University (EWU) hosts the annual Intercollegiate Human Powered Paper Vehicle (HPPV) Engineering Competition. Colleges and universities from Washington, Idaho and Oregon participate in this event. This engineering competition inspires students and challenges their engineering skills and creativity. The basic concept is to construct a human powered vehicle out of 90% paper products and 10% other.

There are two parts to the competition, the first tests the vehicle's performance while the second tests the the team's presentation.Green River's American Design Drafting Club (ADDA) competed on Saturday, April 12th, and took first place in the performance category (strongest, fastest, most reliable vehicle.). Team members included William Gamm, Barry Uhde, Ryan Pham, Tim Wiech, and Pedro Anton II.

Felix Serna, Green River's drafting instructor and ADDA club advisor, accompanied the students to the event this year. Jeff McCauley and Janet Ash were also present, along with a second competition entry sponsored by Green River's ASME Club. Over the nine years Green River has participated in this competition, students have won the Best Team Award (3 times), most Innovative Design (Twice), and both 1st and 2nd place in the presentation category. The one award that had eluded Green River was the “Best Performance” Award.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008 Minutes

Call to order @12:00 (Vic)

Felix talked about how club meetings are conducted

Previous quarter’s officers gave descriptions of position duties

Kathie gave an update on PICC event on May 1st, and encouraged club participation for the event.

Club voted for new officers.
Senate Representatives – Tammi & James
Reporter – Pedro
Secretary – Justin
Treasurer – Cecilia
Vice President – Marcel
President – Mark

Tammi encouraged application for GRCC Foundation and CSEMS scholorships

HPPV slideshow presentation was given by Mark, Pedro, and Barry.

Felix helped give an overview and brief history of GRCC in the HPPV competition.

Meeting adjourned @ 12:56 (Mark)